
Showing posts from October, 2017

Marsha P. Johnson & the Rise of Transgender Murders

On October 6th, Netflix released a documentary called “The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson.” The film follows Victoria Cruz, an LGBT rights activist, who is determined to bring light to the mystery surrounding the death of LGBT activist and transgender icon, Marsha P. Johnson. Marsha P. Johnson was a New York-based drag queen and transgender woman who was one of the leaders of the Stonewall Riots that took place at the Stonewall Inn in June of 1969. In addition to this, Johnson also founded S.T.A.R. (Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries), which helped provide resources for homeless transgender individuals living on the streets of New York City. She was widely loved and admired by members of the LGBT movement in the 1960’s through her death in 1992, which caused an uproar, due to the fact many pieces of evidence lead people to believe she was murdered, although law enforcement officials claimed her death a suicide and closed the case. Marsha P. Johnson’s mysterious death

There is Still Progress to be Made

I was talking to a friend the other day about dating and falling for people. She is straight and started to talk about stealing first kisses while on first or second or third dates. This is when I realized the privilege that heterosexual couples have, that they may not realize. Straight couples can kiss in cafes, theatres, museums, and restaurants. Straight couples can kiss in public without having the fear that someone will fill their special moment with hate. When you are in a same-sex relationship, something as simple as holding hands with your partner in public holds anxiety and fear for what someone hateful may say. The LGBTQIA+ community prides itself on just that - pride. But sometimes pride is hard to hold when people don't believe that you deserve to love the one that you want to. It's easy to give in to the notion that because same-sex marriage is legalized in all 50 states (and more countries are jumping on the bandwagon every year,) that there aren't any more